10 Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for maintaining your overall health and well-being. However, what you eat before bed can significantly impact your sleep quality. Some foods can cause indigestion, disrupt your sleep cycle, or spike your blood sugar, leading to a restless night. To help you rest better, here are 10 foods to avoid before bedtime.


Pizza may be a delicious and convenient dinner option, but it’s one of the worst foods to eat before bed. The combination of high-fat cheese, tomato sauce, and refined carbohydrates can lead to indigestion and heartburn, which can make falling asleep difficult. The acidity in tomato sauce can trigger acid reflux, especially when you’re lying down shortly after eating. Instead, opt for a lighter, more digestible meal if you’re eating late.


It’s no surprise that coffee is on the list of foods to avoid before bedtime. Caffeine, the active stimulant in coffee, can stay in your system for several hours, affecting your ability to fall asleep. Even if you don’t feel the immediate effects of caffeine, it can still disrupt your sleep cycle by preventing deep, restorative sleep. Try to avoid coffee after mid-afternoon to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with your rest.

Sugary Cereal

While sugary cereal may seem like an easy snack or light meal before bed, it can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes throughout the night. The high sugar content in these cereals leads to an energy surge, making it difficult to fall asleep. Moreover, the crash that follows can leave you feeling tired and irritable the next day. Opt for whole-grain cereals with minimal sugar if you must have a snack before bed.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can lead to discomfort and indigestion, especially when eaten close to bedtime. Capsaicin, the compound responsible for the heat in spicy foods, can raise your body temperature and disrupt your sleep. Additionally, spicy meals often cause acid reflux, making it difficult to stay comfortable when lying down. To avoid this, try to keep spicy foods for lunch or earlier in the evening.


Soda is another beverage you should avoid before bed due to its caffeine content and high sugar levels. The caffeine in soda can stimulate your nervous system, making it hard to relax and fall asleep. The sugar can also cause a spike in blood glucose levels, followed by a rapid drop, leading to restlessness throughout the night. Opt for water or herbal teas instead.


Many people believe that wine helps them relax before bed, but alcohol can interfere with your sleep cycle. While a glass of wine might make you feel drowsy at first, alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns later in the night, preventing deep sleep. It also dehydrates the body and can lead to frequent trips to the bathroom, both of which interrupt your rest. If you’re looking for better sleep, avoid alcohol at least a few hours before bed.

Orange Juice

While orange juice may seem like a healthy option, its acidity can cause heartburn and indigestion, especially when consumed before lying down. The natural sugars in orange juice can also cause a spike in blood sugar, giving you an unwanted energy boost right before bed. Opt for water or chamomile tea to wind down your evening instead of citrus-based drinks.


Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which are stimulants that can keep you awake. Dark chocolate, in particular, can have higher levels of caffeine, making it harder to fall asleep. The sugar content in chocolate can also contribute to restless sleep. If you’re craving something sweet before bed, consider a small portion of fruit instead.


Late-night cravings for burgers can be tough to resist, but eating one before bed is not a good idea. Burgers are typically high in fat, which slows down digestion and can lead to discomfort and indigestion during the night. Additionally, the high sodium content in most fast food burgers can cause dehydration and frequent wakefulness. A lighter, protein-rich snack is a better option for late-night hunger.

Mixed Drinks

Mixed drinks, especially those containing sugary mixers like soda or fruit juice, are another sleep disruptor. The combination of alcohol and sugar can lead to blood sugar imbalances and dehydration, making it difficult to stay asleep throughout the night. The alcohol may initially make you feel sleepy, but the sugar content can give you an energy spike that disturbs your sleep. Stick to simple, alcohol-free beverages before bed.


Your diet has a direct impact on your sleep, and what you eat or drink before bed can make all the difference between a restful night and a restless one. Foods and drinks that are high in fat, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol tend to cause indigestion, heartburn, or disrupt your sleep cycle, making them the top items to avoid before bedtime. To ensure a peaceful night of sleep, opt for lighter, low-sugar snacks or beverages like herbal tea or whole grains, and steer clear of the foods on this list. By making mindful choices, you can set yourself up for a good night’s rest and wake up feeling refreshed.

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